Foi lançada uma nova build do rFactor 2, a Max Build 998, que além das esperadas melhorias gerais, trás também uma nova demo. Na nova demo, poderemos agora jogar com os Kart, Formula Renault 3.5 e o AC 429 na pista de Atlanta.
Subsequent builds (not this one) will include the newly announced gJED in the support/tools folder. Keep an eye on the rFactor 2 Dev Corner in the meantime, as we will most definitely make it available before our next build.
gJED is the new mesh and materials property editor for gMotor2-based applications. gJED allows for real-time editing of gMotor2 content created in any content editor which can export the FBX file format. Content creators are no longer tied to a single platform (3DS Max). gJED is a real-time DirectX application built using the same engine and shaders as rFactor2, and therefore has most of the same graphical options as rFactor2. Much of the operation of gJED is similar to that of the latest gMotor2 plugins for 3DS Max.
What can you use gJED for?
– import/merge FBX files containing mesh, material and animation information
– load/merge GMT files directly, or SCN/GEN files and their associated GMT files
– edit mesh and material properties in real time
– export scene as GMT, SCN, GEN, and ANM files
Read more about gJED in the Wiki.
Update 33 (Build 998) Changelog:
– Added an option to the KnockoutQualifying plugin to have a fixed number of vehicles being scored in Q2/Q3/Q4, rather than have a variable number which was computed proportionally based on the number of vehicles in Q1.
– Added the admin command /pitbyvehicle. This is similar to /pitbydriver and /pitbyteam, but finds matches to the Description in the VEH file.
– Online map put player’s icon and the icon for the car to be followed under caution in front of the others so they are easier to keep track of.
– Juggled some suspension geometry initialization so that caster changes affect the outboard pushrod location.
– Added results file tag which lists the layout MAS file.
– Letting “virtual” cars override “Classes” & “Category” from the base vehicle file. (in a text editor, by hand.)
– Made the key for triple-head configuration and the TGM display into a single configurable control.
– Added onboard right track bar adjustment, which requires the HDV [SUSPENSION] setting OnboardRightTrackBarAdjustment=1.
– Expanded multiview adjustments to allow separate side channel settings
– Added multiview adjustment tool, toggle with ctrl-equal
– Default pace car is Corvette
– Made fuel adjustment in legacy HDV variable BoostEffects work on new engine model (note that using the new turbo technology already results in more fuel being consumed naturally).
– Corrected albedo levels on several particle textures.
– Fix for not checking mod versions when changing mods
– Fixed an issue where a rear axle adjustment was essentially being done twice in initialization.
– Fix for server not writing correct results when everybody leaves session.
– An attempt to avoid the opponent car jitters that start happening after a few hours and get worse in long multiplayer sessions. This still needs to be tested (using the admin command /forwardseconds should help).
– Fix for locale errors in config.ini
– Corrected static ARB forces (already accounted for non-symmetric ride heights, but now accounts for non-symmetric springs and weights as well)
– Fixed underbody scraping sound.
– Small fix to prevent the upgrade tree list from updating the current track when not in realtime.
– Fixed place readout and camera cycling by place in normal (i.e. non-instant) replay mode.
– The wheels on other clients’ vehicles should usually rotate at approximately the correct speed now.
– Attempted fix for race rejoin where client still thinks vehicle is under AI control.
– Added “none” to AIW editor text display options. Fixed step distance/speed not getting saved for track overrides in AIW editor.
Download da demo Aqui
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