sábado, 26 de setembro de 2015

rFactor 2 | Stock Cars disponíveis!

Depois de alguma espera, eis que a ISI finalmente lança para o rFactor 2 os aguardados Stock Cars. Os mesmos são lançados com a maior parte das regras da competição funcionais, no entanto, existem outras que somente funcionam parcialmente. A par disto tudo, as Pistas de Mountain Peak e Jacksonville recebem igualmente atualizações e chegam agora à versão V1.02.

Regras implementadas:
Lucky Dog
No Lucky Dog to Driver who causes the caution
Speeding penalty during caution EOLL
Speeding penalty during green Drive Thru
Entering Closed pits EOLL penalty
Green White Checker finish
In-Car Track Bar Adjustment
Frozen Field when caution comes out

Regras parcialmente implementadas:
Double File Restarts – Leader Chooses which lane he starts
Double File Restarts – Proper line up order of Lead Lap, Lap down, Lucky Dog, Penalty Cars and Wave Arounds – Need feedback from Stock Car Leagues
Double File Restarts – Wave Around Cars – Do not get penalized yet for pitting before green flag is thrown
Qualifying Rules – 3 Round format works
Qualifying Rules – Forcing the use of 1 set of tires for all 3 rounds not working

Regras ainda não implementadas:
Commitment cone violation for entering the pits
AI still race back to line when caution is thrown
All car(s) must maintain their respective track position for the restart, until they cross the start/finish line.
Blending rule when re-entering the track during green flag conditions
No passing under double yellow line at Superspeedways

Problemas conhecidos (A.I.):
We need to give the A.I. another look, as improvements in one area can often affect another. The A.I. are quite dynamic and will adjust their line according to grip levels. At Jacksonville, this tends to see them running high up against the wall. With an upcoming update to the core, we would like to try to keep them from scraping the wall as often as they do right now on the ovals. You can disable the ‘dynamic superspeedway’ code that causes this by changing playerfile value “AI Logic Override” to 2.

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